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Distance Matrix Calculator (Coming Mid 2025)

Distance Matrix Calculator

Use the distance matrix calculator to determine the distance between multiple points on your map quickly. This new feature (coming soon) is useful for assigning sales reps to customers, identifying nearby competitors, planning your supply chain, and more.

(Coming Mid 2025)

Calculate the Distance Between Multiple Addresses - Distance Calculator Tool
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Calculate the Distance Between Multiple Addresses - Distance Calculator Tool

What is a Distance Matrix Calculator?

A distance matrix calculator allows you to measure the distance between two groups of data on your map. For example, let’s say you’ve plotted the locations of all your stores and customers. Using Maptive’s drivetime matrix calculator, you can generate a table that lists the distance values between every store and customer.

This tool is ideal for situations where you need to calculate distances between a large number of locations. In addition, the automated nature of the drivetime matrix calculator means you’ll save immense amounts of time compared to if you were to calculate each travel distance manually.

Distance Matrixes

What Can You Do with a Distance Matrix Calculator?

Distance matrix calculators have a wide range of applications for virtually any business:

  • Assign Salespeople to Customers: A common traveling salesman problem is getting assigned customers too far away. Eliminate this issue by seeing who the closest sales rep is to every customer to allocate your accounts more effectively.
  • Site Selection: Considering a new site for your business? Use a drivetime matrix calculator to find its proximity to customers, competitors, suppliers, and more.
  • Choosing Suppliers: See which suppliers are closest to your stores and offices. Select vendors that are centrally located to build a more effective supply chain.
  • Sales Territory Planning: Determine which stores are closest to which customers to create better sales territories for your business.
  • Advertising Targeting: Identify zip codes that are near a store location and target those areas with advertising.
  • Employee Drive Time: Looking for a new office location? Determine the optimal location based on the shortest drive times for all of your employees.


How Does Maptive’s Distance Matrix Calculator Work?

Step 1:

Maptive’s distance matrix calculator makes it easy to generate distance tables for a large number of locations:

Sign up for a Maptive free trial account. Then, try Maptive for free and explore the many mapping tools we have to offer.

Step 2:

Upload or input your data. Upload your location data from an Excel spreadsheet, or input it manually.

Step 3:

Select “Create Map” to view your map. Your locations are now plotted on a beautiful interactive map powered by Google’s sophisticated API.

Step 4:

Select your origin locations. These locations are your starting points. This could be customers, sales reps, stores, suppliers, public transit centers, or any other set of locations on your map.

Step 5:

Select your destinations. This is your second group of locations. You’ll be measuring the distance between this group and your origin locations.

Step 6:

View your results. You can view your distance table in Maptive or export your results to an XLS or CSV file.

Other Maptive Tools to Help You Calculate Distance

Maptive offers several different tools that make it easy to find the distance and travel time between many different locations.

  • Distance Calculator: Calculate the distance between two or more points on your map.
  • Distance Radius: Create a radius around any location on your map. Set the size of your radius to see what other points are located within a certain distance.
  • Drivetime Polygon: Want to see what points are reachable in 15, 30, 45 minutes, or more? Use a drivetime polygon to determine which locations are within driving distance from a particular starting point.
  • Route Optimizer: Have a vehicle routing problem? Find the fastest route between two or more locations on your map. Enter your starting point and all your stops to instantly calculate the optimal route and reduce your trips’ duration.

Feature Coming Mid 2025

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